Saturday, June 09, 2007

Swimming with Jaws

Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras

Sunset on Roatan from just outside our hotel

A hard day at work

Our last stop on the trip was a week of scuba diving in the Bay Islands of Honduras. All week the big plan was for the crowning glory of the trip to be a group shark dive after everyone got scuba certified. Get a load of this, they actually take you down 50 feet with a bucket full of bloody fish, the sharks catch a whiff from some amazingly far-off distance, come swarming around in droves, the bucket is released into the water and you watch the show as they go ape. No cages, no glass wall, just you and a swarm of 4- 6 foot sharks from straight out of Jaws, you could reach out and touch them if you wanted. Unbelievable.

Jaws in the flesh

And the anti-climactic conclusion to this exciting tale (for me, at least) is that while Nate, Armen, and Johnny were down in the depths experiencing said adventure watching the sharks thrash about, Susie was thrashing about in bed with strep throat and a 103 degree temperature, barely able roll over, much less frolic with sharks. Curses! All was not lost, however, as I did get to chalk another one up in my cache of Central American experiences...I finally got to experience the magical shot in the ass, seemingly the cure-all for any ailment down here, one I have heretofore avoided due to my usually stellar immune system. But I was feeling like a million bucks 24 hours later, so what can I say, it works.

The crew at sunset

Jess and me geared up for!

As this chapter comes to a end, some new ones start. I'm back in the States, I got to sing in the wedding of two very special ladies these past two weekends; my sister Jen in Austin, and one of my college roommates Tracy in North Carolina. Right now I'm in Salt Lake City and heading to Yellowstone tomorrow for training for a sweet new gig leading biking and hiking trips for the summer with this great company, Backroads (

And in the midst of that, I'll be hosting my first trip on my own to Guatemala in September with a small group of family and friends to see how I like doing this thing on my own...

All exciting stuff, but it's been a pretty non-stop fast pace and and the idea of sleeping in my own bed and being in a familiar place with friends and fam for a bit sounds really good right now...

Hope all is well with all of you out there!

With my sister, the beautiful bride in Austin

And a couple of very handsome men at the Texas hoe-down (my dad and brother, Will)

(Most of) my best girls from college at Tracy's wedding


Anonymous said...

Hi Susie,
Sorry to hear you were sick - was that before or after the wedding? Backroads is great. I went on a bicyle trip with them through the Lofoten Islands in northern Norway several years ago.
Great guides.
Karen O'Shea

Ace said...

wish i'da gone to central america and almost died. maybe one day...

Anonymous said...

I love you Aunt Sue