Race Day
I've been fully enjoying my post-triathlon week of inactivity and margaritas, but am finally mustering up the energy to post a few pix from the race last Sunday. But first I want to send a huge THANK YOU for the generosity of all the folks who supported me and helped me raise $2,825 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and made this all possible. Our entire training team raised over $100,000 for LLS, amazing.
So without boring you with all the details, it went something like this: move your arms alternately in a circular motion through water...repeat for one mile; move your legs in a circular motion while perched atop a two-wheeled apparatus...repeat for 25 miles; put one foot in front of the other as fast as you can...repeat for 6 miles; raise hands in triumph as you cross the finish line...collapse. Very exciting, really.
It actually was quite fun, especially with 3,000 other folks along for the same ride. I had a stellar cheering squad camped out at the corner of Congress and 3rd St. who would cheer with abandon whenever I passed...my mom, sister, brother-in-law, and friends Mindi and Tashan, old DC friends from high school with whom I've reconnected since moving to Austin. Was happy with my time, 3:07, and will definitely be tackling more in the future.
Triathlon high: Running my fastest mile on the last mile of the race.
Triathlon low: Being perfectly situated to intercept the snot rocket of the man running in front of me on said last mile.
Biking through downtown
The Gaskins ladies, post-race
Some of my most excellent teammates